After almost a year of hard work results of the first International Ubichallenge were announced on December 9th during the Tenth International Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia Conference (MUM’11) in Beijing, China. We are very proud to say that the FunSquare service was the winner while Digifieds took the third place! The FunSquare [1] service creates autopoiesic, i.e., self-generated, content by matching information that comes form within display surrounding (e.g., current wind speed (12 m/s)) with information coming from without (e.g., the speed of a honey bee (6 m/s)) into novel content (The current wind speed (12 m/s) is two times more than the average speed of a honey bee (6 m/s)). On the other hand Digifieds [2] is an example of a digital shared public notice area that allows users to post classifieds on public displays.

More information about FunSquare and Digifieds can be found here and here.
[1] F. Alt, A. S. Shirazi, T. Kubitza, D. Bial, F. Zaidan, M. Ortel, B. Zurmaar, T. Lewen, and A. Schmidt, “Digifieds: Insights into Deploying Digital Public Notice Areas in the Wild,” in 10th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM 2011), 2011. (pdf)
[2] N. Memarovic, I. Elhart, and M. Langheinrich, “FunSquare: First Experiences with Autopoiesic Content,” in 10th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM 2011), 2011.(pdf)
Official press release:
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